Guaranteed ROI. No Ad Spend.

Accelerate your business goals: Book an Execution + Roadmap Strategy session for a crystal-clear 12-month marketing roadmap tailored to your objectives.

Boost your brand's impact: Master your B2B social media game with our strategic content that educates, inspires, and converts.

Cinch leads in a heartbeat: Unlock your sales calendar potential and get dream prospects booking into your calendar automatically. 

Introducing Blackjet Autopilot

Our very own product - Blackjet Autopilot generates leads with guaranteed ROI* and no ad spend.

This proven system performs at an exceptional level, ensuring that you stay ahead in the race, with marketing execution your competitors simply don’t have access to.

Blackjet Autopilot is delivered by the Blackjet Social team supported by AI. 

Ask us about Blackjet Autopilot today.

Is this you?

Tired of ineffective ad spend: You’re fed up with funneling funds into digital ads that don’t deliver.
Struggling with cold leads: You’d love a more efficient way to secure sales.
Frustrated by inactive databases:
Your client database feels more like a digital graveyard than a goldmine.
Seeking measurable ROI: You need clear, quantifiable returns on every marketing dollar spent.
Wanting guaranteed results: You’d rather invest in high-value activities that have been proven to work rather than endless marketing tactics. 

If you see yourself in any of these descriptions, you're exactly the type of client we love to work with. 

Woman on social media app

What We Do

Database Nurturing

Think your email list is just a digital Rolodex? Think again.

Our email strategies and automation turn sleepy contacts into active conversations, boosting your rapport and your bottom line.

Social Media Management

Turn followers into fans and clicks into clients.

We craft your brand's story online, educating, entertaining, and inspiring your audience, all while boosting your authority and qualifying leads. 

Prospecting + Outreach

Say goodbye to the cold call grind.

Our direct, one-to-one outreach puts your sales team face-to-face with dream prospects, not just tire-kickers.

We work our magic behind the scenes so your calendar fills up while you focus on closing deals.

What People Say

"Blackjet is making a massive difference. We are getting people I talk to within the industry, new clients coming through, prospect clients, existing clients — they're all far more aware of us as a result of the work that they've done."

“Our journey with Blackjet has been incredibly easy. Before we engaged Blackjet, probably only one in ten of the stories I wanted to publish were actually making it to their online destination. Keeping the timing, language and engagement of social media consistent was something that just didn't work with my own schedule. I'm impressed at how easy it has been and grateful that I can simply watch instead of do.”

"My inexperience and fear of social media has been completely covered off by Blackjet, I started in economy and feel I’m heading towards business class!"

“Blackjet provides us with the expertise and knowledge we require to give our brand the recognition it needs in our specific sectors. Very easy to deal with and always improving their game!”

"You've started a comment frenzy!"