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Strategic Email: Do You Have A Plan?

Strategic Email: Do You Have A Plan?

The change of season is upon us - which means the end of the year is near. It’s no secret the sunshine and spring growth brings optimism and feel-good vibes. This is welcomed as we say goodbye to the winter season and make plans for the rest of the year. Do you have a strategic plan to see out the final 17 weeks of the year?

In true Blackjet fashion we’ve been fulfilling our purpose of helping businesses fly high online with impact and this month I wanted to highlight the importance of email marketing. It’s an estimate that around 30% of the businesses I speak to (before they become clients) actively use email marketing in their business. This means 70% of businesses are not using email marketing to nurture existing clients and communicate with prospects.

The reasons for not implementing email marketing seem to be:

  • Are too busy to write and design the content
  • Have done it in the past perhaps but don’t have the capacity to do it as became too busy
  • Don’t understand the technology/platform
  • Unaware of the value and benefit of regular email campaigns.

Do these points above resonate with you? Keep reading…

Why Success Doesn't Necessarily Mean Number of Likes, Comments or Followers

Why Success Doesn't Necessarily Mean Number of Likes, Comments or Followers
In the world of social media and everything digital, it can be very easy to get caught up on numbers. Naturally, it’s easy to assume that the higher the number of likes, comments or followers, the better —but this doesn’t necessarily equal success. Such statistics can be a great indicator of how an audience is responding to a profile or type of content, but success can take many different forms. At Blackjet, we’ve witnessed first hand how success can differ from client to client. Here are some indicators of success that go beyond how many followers you may have…

Successful Email Campaigns: We Share The Secrets!

Successful Email Campaigns: We Share The Secrets!
As an incredibly effective digital marketing tool, email campaigns are an integral part of building a brand online. They’re inexpensive, allow for measurability, and typically see a high engagement rate and ROI. It’s amazing how simple it is to create meaningful connections with stakeholders through email marketing by sharing stories, insights and adding value directly to their inbox!